Our School Terms, Rules & Policy

Welcome to Turbelle’s Performing Arts

A performing arts school, designed around fun, enthusiasm, learning, discipline and support.

All our classes at Turbelle’s are made up of these 7 fundamental ingredients below.








Objectives and aims can only be achieved through agreements, rules and partnerships that create a high standard.



After your trial, fees are paid on the 1st of every month via Class4Kids. Please use the following link to register and book your classes. 


Once you have booked your classes via Class4Kids you will receive an email with your payment plan.  

Fees (including trial payments) are non-refundable unless (in the extremely rare circumstance) classes have been cancelled by Turbelles. 

Fees must be paid irrespective of absences, late arrivals and missed classes of any kind. All students that have been a member of Turbelles for over three months are entitled to two unpaid leaves per year– One between September and 14th February and another between 15th February and the end of July. Your unpaid leave must be communicated before the date you intend to be off. 

Students on our register are welcome to try another class that they have not tried before for free.


All students must be in uniform within three weeks of joining Turbelles. We supply all items required except plain black leggings and jogging bottoms. Parents should provide these items. Parents should label uniforms with first and last name clearly. Full uniform must be worn when attending classes. You will receive a uniform list with order information upon joining us.


Students will be required to pay a performance/entry fee between £5.00 and £30.00 depending on the event in order to cover cost. For festivals and competitions there will be a related entrance fee.


Please make us aware of any additional dance, drama or singing schools/groups you participate in. This is due to potential conflict of interest. This does not include your regular schools, colleges or universities.


Turbelles operates for forty-two weeks of the year. We do not break for half term but do for Easter, Summer and Christmas.

Should any student be absent for more than two weeks without contacting us, you may be removed from our register.

Students should make every effort to attend all lessons in order to develop and progress in their existing knowledge of dance, acting and singing.

Attendance and punctuality also have a big impact for students when tutors are selecting performers to participate in shows, competitions, festivals, exams and auditions.


Should you or your child wish to leave us, please let us know that they are leaving and that any money owed is paid.


Every effort is made by the staff of Turbelles Performing Arts group of companies for students to progress and develop in a happy and safe environment.

In order to achieve this, we ask all students to abide by our school policy, covid policy and the rules listed below.

Do phone when ill, otherwise you will be marked as absent. Two consecutive absences without contacting us, may lead to removing you from the register.

Do try to get to class on time, as lateness will disrupt both the class and tutor and you may miss something important.

Do concentrate and give your best in class, as it is important to the tutors at Turbelles as well as your parents that you learn and progress.

Do not wear any jewellery in class. Turbelles will not accept any responsibility for property that is lost, stolen or damaged, therefore we do not recommend bringing any valuables to classes.

Do not chew gum in class.

Do not smoke in or directly outside the building.

Nuts of any kind are not permitted on site. Please ensure you do not pack nuts in your children’s bag as we have some students with serious nut allergies.


Your piece of mind is vital to us, it is therefore of the utmost importance you communicate matters that require attention.

If you have any cause for grievance or complaint, please discuss/report to Joelle Jones who will look into and do her utmost to correct matters and if needed take the right channels for a solution.


Turbelles believe that all children regardless of age and in all situation’s, have a right to have fun, be safe and protected from harm.

We place great value in listening to and respecting children and young people as well as promoting their development, welfare and protection.

We have a safe recruitment procedure, with any of our members that have substantial unsupervised access to children be appropriately vetted with an enhanced DBS.

Any allegations or suspicions of abuse will be taken seriously and responded to swiftly and reported to the appropriate authority.


Turbelles has very strong views towards this. Any Student found to be bullying in any form towards another, will be reported immediately to their tutor and parent. Students found to bully may be asked to leave the school without notice.


We are an equal opportunities school and wholeheartedly support the welfare and development of children and adults.

We oppose any unlawful form of discrimination and will act accordingly and without prior warning.

This policy will be reviewed regularly and adjusted when appropriate accordingly.

Do enjoy, learn and be happy during your time at Turbelle’s

Turbelle’s Performing Arts
Tel: 01708 780693
Mob: 07851 331760
Email: info@turbellesperformingarts.com
Website: www.turbellesperformingarts.com

JJ’s Performing Arts
T/As Turbelles Performing Arts